Enzo Amore pode não ser mais um lutador da WWE, mas ele ainda tem muitos fãs que acreditam que ele é o "Realest Guy In The Room". Amore recentemente perdeu seu cachorro Frank, que era um Bulldog Inglês com apenas 2 anos de idade. É sempre horrível perder um animal de estimação, mas especialmente quando se acha que ainda há muito tempo pela frente de vida à eles.
Mas Enzo não está sentado, já que ele e seu outro cachorro Kilo estão decolando para uma longa viagem, onde também trouxeram Frank.
Isso foi demais para o ex-WWE Superstar, mas certamente parece que o mesmo tem uma aventura em suas mãos. Ele postou várias atualizações em sua conta oficial no Instagram sobre sua viagem, que você pode conferir abaixo.
Yesterday I said goodbye to Hollywood, (I’ll be back 😙,) and I hit the road with my best friends, Kilo & Frank, simply to ask the question: #HowYouDoinAmerica ?????? Destination?!?? Ya boy Zo is en route of my new home: New York F’n City! I’ll be posting to my #IGtv daily video content, vlogs, & be documenting my experience across #AMERICA! I’ve driven across this country a hundred times, but never in one shot & never with my best friends. I’ll be sprinklin’ a little bit of Frank every where I go!! #RIPfrank⚱️!! And I’m open for pit stops: bring on the suggestions! I’m currently at the #GrandCanyon 🤯 & plan to hit #SedonaAZ, #NewMexico, #Texas, #Louisiana (where I’ll be coming out of my retirement... & wrestling again!!!!!! not a human dummy, 🤣 an alligator! 🤯 @zzloupe ! Thanks buddy!), I’ll hit #Atlanta, #NorthCarolina where I’ll see @obj @saquan & Eli the 🐐 w/ the @nygiants whoop up on the @panthers !! From there I’ll do #WashingtonDC, #Philadelphia (where me & young-Ki 🐐 will run up the damn steps like the rocky movie,) #JERSEY !!! And finally I’ll finish #HowYouDoinAmerica by hosting the #NewYorkGiants vs @philadelphiaeagles @Hooters on 33rd st in my soon to be new home of #Manhattan !! 🗽 New York City!! And let’s be clear, I’m a #JerseyBoy but when Frank sang #NewYorkNewYork he wasn’t in New York, he was lookin at it 😉.. but I WANNA BE A PART OF IT!! After all Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, and after losing Frank, 🐶 I decided to go with my gut & take on a brand new opportunity in New York City. And to ensure that nothing happens to my wolf, I ain’t gunna let him out of my site! I’m on my John Snow 💩.. But before I get to the Wall I’ll call home, I gotta find out... #HowYouDoinAmerica ?!?! 🇺🇸 (use the hashtag #HowYouDoinAmerica to suggest places for me to #PopUp , stop, eat, get a lift in, have a drank, and THANK YOU!! I’ll be as interactive as I can during the experience! I’ve seen & interacted with all of you in every arena this country has to offer, now I wanna see what it looks like outside the arena & I’ll take all the love!!! It’s #ALLlove! Thank you in advance for one helluva a trip!!! #HowYouDoinAmerica?!)
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