quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2018

ROH Survival of the Fittest 2018: Combate feminino anunciado

No dia 4 de Novembro, a ROH realizará na cidade de Columbus, mais uma edição do Survival of the Fittest.

Através de seu site oficial, a empresa anunciou o primeiro combate do evento.

Card oficial:
Champions Challenge Tag Team Match:
ROH World Tag Team Champions SoCal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) vs. ROH World Champion Jay Lethal & ROH World Television Champion Jeff Cobb

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match:
Bullet Club (Young Bucks & Cody) (c) vs. The Kingdom (TK O'Ryan, Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia)
~Segunda defesa no segundo reinado.

Survival of the Fittest 1st Round Match:
Beer City Bruiser vs. Christopher Daniels

Survival of the Fittest 1st Round Match:
Jonathan Gresham vs. Tracy Williams

Survival of the Fittest 1st Round Match:
Luchasaurus vs. PJ Black

Survival of the Fittest 1st Round Match:
Colin Delaney vs. Dalton Castle vs. Hangman Page

Survival of the Fittest 1st Round Match:
Andrew Everett vs. Guerrero Maya Jr. vs. Flip Gordon

Survival of the Fittest 1st Round Match:
Silas Young vs. Stuka Jr. Marty Scurll

Singles Match:
Madison Rayne vs. Britt Baker

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